Friday, 13 July 2012

21 days and counting :D

So...I know you've only just clicked into this but do something for me, will you? If you clicked into this with high expectations for an excellent blog, please lower it now. Kay, done? Sweet :] Saying English was never my strong point would probably be an understatement. I'm more of a 'write the way I talk' kinda girl, so this blog will be more of a ' Kayla (my sister), please translate this for mum, sorry it's been a while since I've called home but this is what's happening in my life' kinda deal. 

Anyways getting back on track, I'm Florence and for those of you that don't know the story here's a quick 30 seconds version of it. I graduated high school, started a Bachelor of Arts and did that for a year all the while hating it. Realised that I wanted to travel more than anything in the world, put my studies on hold and in May 2012 I booked my flights and now there's 21 days before I fly out, not that I'm counting down or anything hahaha. Oh and I'm a bit of a shopaholic so I'm pretty terrible at saving, not ideal when you wanna travel hence the name of the blog. But yeah that's me. And... Time. 

Come back and read more if you want ( I would appreciate it if you did, no pressure though) 
Til next time 
Flo :]