Thursday, 9 August 2012

Day 4 in HK

I've now spent 4 days in HK and I honestly don't think I'll ever be able to get used to it. HK.. It really is something else. I swear Hong Kong is like a giant mall, no matter where you turn there's always more shops and more malls for you to explore! Now, don't get me wrong, I love my shopping and my malls and I pride myself on the fact that I know my way around shopping areas and never gets lost around them but I've reached a new first... It's happened... I got lost while shopping! As a matter of fact I don't think I've ever been so lost in my life! (but like the good kinda lost cause you're surrounded by shops and people and not the 'oh my gosh, there's not a soul around, i legit think I'm gonna die' kindas lost. I think the fact that there are few malls in each shopping area, which are then surrounded by street after street and block after blocks of shops makes it difficult to keep track of where you've been, how far you've walked and where exactly you are. Then my brain decides "hey man, now that she's lost amongst all this awesome-ness let's tell her that she's tired and her feet hurts!" Then I stuck with this giant dilemma, do I bear this pain and continue shopping orrrrrrr should I TRY and find my way out, go home and come back another day?

Okay, now I've got a few minor bones to pick with HK. Firstly, seriously guys! Please stop putting like 20 of the same stores all within a kilometre of each other! I swear they do it to mess with your head! I walked past like 5 Sasa's, Broadway's and Mannings' within like 20 minutes (and no I promise it wasn't me getting lost and walking down the same roads and past the same shops over and over again.) For those of you that's been to HK I'm sure you'll know what I'm talking about.
Secondly, is it just me or are the shop assistants overly friendly (I don't know if friendly is quite the word I'm looking for but I don't know how else to describe it.) Like for me, I found that when I walk into a shop I'm greeted (which is good and I'm happy with that) but then they continue to follow you around the store, some without saying anything, just following and some offering up random products even though they haven't asked me what I'm after and have no idea what I like and don't like. I dunno whether it's just the way I like to shop or whether others find it a little annoying too...

I know I just said some things that I am not a massive fan of but I don't want you to get me wrong and for you to think I'm not enjoying myself or not loving Hong Kong. When I walk down the street and look around me I'm amazed by different Hong Kong is to New Zealand, how cheap everything is (managed to buy a top and a leather bag from zaranfor less than 60 NZD :DDDDDDD) and how efficient transport here is! It's always incredibly busy (coming from New Zealand, who would've thought you'll be waiting amongst a crowd for the train at 11:30 at night and while we're at it who would've thought shopping malls and even boutiques would be opened until at like 10pm EVERY night) It's pretty darn amazing! (I feel like people here are less friendly that New Zealanders tho, its just one of those 'you don't realize how great you have it until you lose it' kinda things I guess... No offense to any HKers that might be reading this! (also for anyone that doesn't know, I'm originally from Hong Kong so I'm not trying to be overly biased or anything hahaha.) Holy crap, this has been a long entry! If you're reading this then snaps for you, thanks for staying til the end! Appreciate you heaps as! Til next time! Flo xx

P.s I rewrote this entire thing because it randomly got deleted the first time round, I'm not even joking... D:

P.p.s I've added a new subscribe by email thing down the bottom so if you wanna then you should subscribe (Kayla I'm looking at you hahaha) but aside from her again, no pressure :P


  1. Yaaaay sounds fun Florence! The shop keepers in Indonesia are like that too; they follow you around and you get kind of scared to pull things off the rack.
    Keep safe and have more fun. xx

    1. yayayayayyayaya! my first comment :DDDDDD
      its a little awkward ay!? i feel like the minute i look at something they're gonna start talking non stop to you and recommend you other stuff D:
