Saturday 24 November 2012


Yeah so before I left New Zealand, my good friend Georgia warned me about motorbikes and scooters and told me to watch out for them cause they're everywhere but you don't really notice them cos they're little. I laughed cause i was like that's ridiculous, who'll be silly enough get run over by a motorbike? Me, that's who!
So the other day I was just crossing the road in London cause I thought hey the traffic is standstill surely now is the safest time to cross, I get halfway and next thing you know I'm hit by a motorbike which funnily enough was driven by an off duty police officer. I'm a little bit bruised on the hips from being hit but aside from that absolutely fine. Makes for a cool story though :P

Lesson? Listen when your friend warns you about scooters and don't jaywalk. Also make sure you have travel insurance when you travel, I didn't need it in this instant but you never know when you do or what will happen. I never in a million years thought I'll ever be hit by a bike hahaha!

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