Tuesday 27 November 2012

This is not goodbye, London

So here I am in Gatwick waiting to board my plane. Having lived in London less than three months I've decided to up and move again (life of a traveller I guess) and I'm moving to a country that I've been dreaming of for so so long, that's right Italy, I'm heading your way! I'm not sure how long for but I'll definitely be back in London sometime in the near future.
Although I have lived in London for almost 3 months now and have done stuff like fallen asleep on the tube like a true Londoner, I'm not quite satisfied with how little touristy things I've done here so this here is a list of things I have to yet to do and will definitely be doing before I head home, someone please hold me to it!
-see Buckingham palace
-thoroughly explore Notting hill
-go on the London Eye
-ride a Barclay bike in Hyde Park
-go to the theatre
-go to Harrods
-try my darnest to meet Miranda Hart,I love her with all my heart! If anyone knows someone who knows someone who knows her please hook me up, it will make my life and I will love you forever!

I feel like there's plenty more I'll definitely be updating this tonight!

Xmas spirit in Oxford Circus


My life in 3 bags 

All Blacks at Larrik Inn

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