Saturday, 24 November 2012

Retracing my London journey. Part 5.

I've always said, especially back home that it's absolutely ridiculous to get all festivey and Christmassy by the beginning of November, CHRISTMAS IS STILL A FLIPPING MONTH AND A HALF AWAY! That's pretty much like one sixth of the year away! It's so silly! In New Zealand, Christmas decorations in the public are a little tacky and with the giant Christmas trees in shopping malls, giant bobbles and Christmas carols playing everywhere and all the while the sun shining bright outside I've just always felt that they don't really go. In London on the other hand, I find it absolutely enchanting! I don't know whether it's the fact that I'm walking home from work at 1am and is crazy tired or the fact that its freezing cold leading me to put on about 4000 layers of clothes on, but to me it feels like London has the whole white Christmas, ice skating in hyde park kinda dream down. I know its probably so far from the truth but hey! a girl can dream right? Even in November, the Christmas decorations seems to really belong and it honestly feels like Christmas is just around the corner (even though it kinda isn't hahahah) guess I better start Christmas card writing soon!

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