Saturday 24 November 2012

Last of blog spree

So this is the last of my blog spree, after this my blog will be caught up to where I am with my travels.
So first things first, I have an exciting announcement. I'm leaving London for Italy! A few weeks ago I decided that I'm sick of working so much, not having any energy to actually enjoy London and all the while having to stress about making rent so I thought you know what? It's time to get out of London. One of the places I want to go most in the world is Italy so I found an au pairing job, with a family, who by the way seems like an absolute delight, in Genova and in 4 days I'm flying out! I'm not too sure at this stage how long I will be in Italy for, but I am determined to be able to speak a little Italian by the time I leave and be able to whip up a mean Italian meal, someone hold me accountable please!

Also has anyone been to Genova, what do you recommend doing while there? :D

I have the next few days off work so I'll probably do some last minute exploring of London so expect photos in the next few days and much shorter blogs. Well that's been my last 3 months, all caught up!

Til next time!
Flo xx

Ps. Follow me on Instagram @flolammy for more photos! I Instagram at least once a day!

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